Easy Recipes and Advice for Gluten Free Folk

"Ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die." Alfred Lord Tennyson

Having a gluten free house is just a way of life for us. I am willing to do whatever it takes to ensure my son (and my husband) is healthy and thriving. I don't care about sacrifices or inconvenience when I get to see the wonderful, rambunctious boy being wonderful and rambunctious. I wondered if we would ever get to see him be that way. We thank the wonderful heavens every day for this boy and as stewards of this amazing creature we will do absolutely anything for him. Nothing is too hard.

Gluten-Free Recipes

Gluten-Free Recipes
I have scoured numerous recipe books and the internet for decent gluten free recipes I have also adapted awesome gluten filled recipes to safe ones .I will keep posting my favorite recipes (the ones that turn out and the fam will eat.)

Monday, April 15, 2013

My Baking Buddy and My Chickens Eggs

Today Steel came in while I was doing laundry and asked if we could make muffins. He settled on making bread. I had to today because my family went through 4 loaves over the weekend. We do Sandwich Saturday. Every Saturday we come up with a new sandwich we want to make and sit as a family and watch Pysch. It's been so fun and our kids look so forward to it. This weekend we made turkey, provolone, tomato and pesto sandwiches. Yum! Sunday morning we had French toast. I had to make extra because Normandy, being helpful, made the egg mixture for me and cracked a dozen eggs. And then after church yesterday, Trav made grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches with tomato soup. 
So here is Steel with his apron on in his little spot to help put the ingredients in the kitchenaid and crack eggs (his favorite part).
I have a lot of memories of my mom baking. I didn't do alot with her even though it seems she was always baking or canning something. Most of the time I was in a hurry to shoot baskets or throw around the softball. But I can remember her making bread and kneading it by hand, rolling out and cutting pasta, skinning tomatoes, etc. When I was a very young mom one of my fellow young moms talked about how her kids were always welcome in her kitchen. What a lovely idea. It's been hard for me because I was born lacking patience and tolerance but I hope it means as much to them as their company means to me.

Today we used a combination of store-bought eggs and the eggs that our little chickens lay in their henhouse.     You can see the contrast in colors. Our chickens eggs are a deep orange. They get free rein of the backyard and we feed them all the extra scraps that the dog and bunny don't eat. I love the color of their eggs so rich with nutrients and protein. It even turns my bread a little yellow. I love that I know what they eat and that I know where they've been and I try to pretend that they like that our family eats their eggs and appreciates their efforts.

Here is Steel whisking up the eggs and oil. Yes, he is a little bit of a ham. He comes by it naturally enough. What a great boy! He makes me happy every day.

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