Easy Recipes and Advice for Gluten Free Folk

"Ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die." Alfred Lord Tennyson

Having a gluten free house is just a way of life for us. I am willing to do whatever it takes to ensure my son (and my husband) is healthy and thriving. I don't care about sacrifices or inconvenience when I get to see the wonderful, rambunctious boy being wonderful and rambunctious. I wondered if we would ever get to see him be that way. We thank the wonderful heavens every day for this boy and as stewards of this amazing creature we will do absolutely anything for him. Nothing is too hard.

Gluten-Free Recipes

Gluten-Free Recipes
I have scoured numerous recipe books and the internet for decent gluten free recipes I have also adapted awesome gluten filled recipes to safe ones .I will keep posting my favorite recipes (the ones that turn out and the fam will eat.)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fearless Thou Shalt Be

Fearless, Thou Shalt Be 
In the wake of yawning decadence,
In the arms of dreadful pestilence
In the eyes of hopeless impudence,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
When the time is ripe to cast the sword
When the time is prime to spread the word,
When evil’s ugly head is reared,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
When it’s time to do the best things right,
When it’s time to hold your stance and fight
When you don’t look back to dread your plight,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
When evil’s deed is unvanquished
When all good seems to have perished
When good almighty’s left ravished
Fearless Thou shalt be!
For darkness comes before the light
Victory comes as the hero’s right
Tarry not, Stand up and fight!
Fearless Thou shalt be!

1 comment:

  1. Did you write this?! You are quite the poet, my friend!
