Easy Recipes and Advice for Gluten Free Folk

"Ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die." Alfred Lord Tennyson

Having a gluten free house is just a way of life for us. I am willing to do whatever it takes to ensure my son (and my husband) is healthy and thriving. I don't care about sacrifices or inconvenience when I get to see the wonderful, rambunctious boy being wonderful and rambunctious. I wondered if we would ever get to see him be that way. We thank the wonderful heavens every day for this boy and as stewards of this amazing creature we will do absolutely anything for him. Nothing is too hard.

Gluten-Free Recipes

Gluten-Free Recipes
I have scoured numerous recipe books and the internet for decent gluten free recipes I have also adapted awesome gluten filled recipes to safe ones .I will keep posting my favorite recipes (the ones that turn out and the fam will eat.)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Homemade Laundry Soap

I decided last year that I was going to start making my own laundry soap. Cash, our son, who is gluten intolerant, has skin issues. After thanksgiving (I'm pretty sure he snitched a glutenous pumpkin pie even though Grandma bought a gf one,) his poor feet and ankles had more sores than good skin. So I figured I should be aware of what was going on his skin. Soap and detergents, lotions, etc. So I started making my own soap. This will be good for when the foster kids come because anything harmful if swallowed has to be under lock and key. I guess you can eat this soap and won't be so bad. Anyways, that was I read online.

So the three ingredients I use are borax, washing soda and fels naptha soap. I chipped up the fels naptha in my vitamix. I use wide mouth mason jars to keep the soap in. Harder for the kids to spill with the screw on lid.

Then I added 2 borax to 1 washing soda to about 2/3 of the jar then I put half of the chipped up soap on top. Put the lid on and shook it up. I made up 2 jars full of laundry soap.

2 jars lasted 3 months or so. So for 1 box of borax, 1 box of washing soda and 2 bars of fels naptha I get 6 months of laundry soap. I do have 4 kids and we do alot of laundry with sports and 3 boys. So, it ends up being a great deal. I think I spent between $10-12 for all the ingredients. It smells really good and I notice less grease spots on the boys shirts.

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